Created by our Professional Event Planner, Brandy Farber, The Mingle Series serves as a platform to unite wedding and event professionals. This initiative is designed to foster relationships, facilitate idea exchange, and cultivate friendships during the industry's downtime. Comprising four networking events, The Mingle Series occurs monthly from January through April, showcasing diverse venues throughout the Capital Region. Additionally, "pop-up" Mingles surprise and delight attendees at various times throughout the year.
The dynamic Mingle Planning Team consists of Emma Nicholson, Assistant Coordinator of P.S. Events; Amanda Trackey, Director of Sales and Marketing at Crafted Catering; Cassandra Daye, Owner of Cassandra Daye Photography; and Beth Cleveland, Photographer of Beth Cleveland Photography, as the official Mingle Planning Team.
Collectively, this dedicated team has brought The Mingle Series to life, infusing it with thought-provoking themes and innovative ideas. The result is a networking event unlike any other, promising a unique and enriching experience for all participants. Join us as we connect, collaborate, and celebrate the vibrant community of wedding and event professionals.